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Zula Monthly Cup - November Recap | December Announcements



Dear players, we have so much to talk about in this article! Between the recap of the November edition of the Zula Monthly Cup, the current team rankings, the new rules and most importantly, the December edition that is coming soon, get ready for a flurry of information!
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Recap of the Zula Monthly Cup November Edition!
Damn, that was crazy!!

Honestly, I didn't expect such a huge success... between the almost 60 simultaneous viewers on Twitch, the 700 views on the Twitch replay, the 10 teams that showed a very nice face and that were able to impress Europe through this monthly format of the Zula Monthly Cup, how can I not thank you for your loyalty?!! 🤩
I assure you that it is something unreal, many thought that our efforts were in vain, that it would be impossible to rekindle the flame in Europe esportively on this magnificent game that is Zula, and yet we did it. In addition to the 100€ cash prize and the MVP gift, we managed to unlock a fund dedicated to the top 4 teams who were able to walk away with extra Zula Golds. 250,000 Zula Golds have been distributed and will continue to be distributed with each edition of the Zula Monthly Cup, all thanks to you! 😋 You can find more details about the current leaderboard and the upcoming ZMC by clicking here.


It smells like a new edition.. the December one!
Here we go for the ZMC December Edition!

The December edition will be played on Saturday 17th at 7pm and will be broadcasted live on Twitch. This time, you will be able to find a few days after the tournament the replay of the tournament on Youtube. Concerning this December edition, we couldn't stop at such a crunchy start, we have to go up crescendo and not to disappoint you, that's why we announce you an increase of the cashprize for this edition. The initial cashprize was 100€, it has not been multiplied by 1.5, nor by 2 but by 3! You can compete in December to win 300€, the highest cashprize ever for a Zula Monthly Cup organized by ZulaClub Europe!! 🥰
As you might expect, this money didn't come from nowhere. This increase in cashprize was made possible thanks to our new and majority sponsor Surfshark who will be following us closely during the Zula Monthly Cup December Edition, thanks to them for their trust!
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 Zula Monthly Cup x European League Policy Update!!!
What are the changes?

Given the excitement that was created by the November edition, and in view of the evolution of the tournaments, we must rectify some points:

- It will be mandatory for the 8 teams qualified at the end of the 6 editions of the Zula Monthly Cup to find an organization in order to facilitate the administrative task. The 8 teams will have 4 weeks (the time between the end of the last Monthly Cup at the beginning of April and the last week before the Zula European League) to find an esport organization. If after this time a team has not been able to find an organization despite extensive search and negotiation (with proof), we will decide if the team will be allowed to play the first parts of the European League without an organization to give them more time - or even the whole European League, even if the chances are small. If not, the 9th team on the final leaderboard will be able to take the place of this team if they can find a structure.

- We decide to allow a maximum of 1 Turkish player per team. We will not allow Turkish teams (here, teams composed exclusively or with a majority of Turkish players) for the first season of this circuit. We can potentially go up to 2 players in the next editions when the European servers will be more stable and especially present in the Tournament / Clan Server section. Once again, we are working hard with Madbyte Games behind the scenes.

- Any team joining the circuit through the Zula Monthly Cup must keep at least 3 major players and their team name from start to finish to save their points for the ZEL qualifications. However, it is possible to change players between editions, as long as this condition is respected. We may consider making exceptions if 2 major players remain from start to finish, provided the referees have no problem with this and the other players have no problem with it.

 Additional notes

We have finalized the design of the "European Tournaments" page, which you can access via the site menu on your left We are also working on a page where you can find out about the different mercato's between editions. 💬

Last but not least, we are creating a new website where you can find below a small preview that was shown in its entirety for the 36 lucky ones at the Live organized this Saturday!✌️

We'll see you this Saturday, December 17th at 7pm on TheLynxerN Twitch channel for the tournament cast! ❤️


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